The TensorFlow requires Python(2.7 , 3.4+) so you have to install the Python before install TensorFlow. but the Python already installed in Ubuntu , so if you chose Ubuntu by your OS, you don't have to care about it !
There is many way to set up TensorFlow but I will use Anaconda which is a Python distribution that includes a large number of standard numeric and scientific computing packages.
here is anaconda download link , if you work in windows environment , it's OK you can download it before boot as Ubuntu , because Ubuntu can access your whole disk including disk which was installed windows
1. Open the terminal by searching
2. input code
python -V
and check the version of python
3. if your python2 version is 2.7, input code
and install the anaconda( don't forget to move '' file to home directory
4. then , you have to be the yes man! repeatedly press 'Enter' key and input yes
5. and then ! you have to set tensorflow virtual anaconda environment by inputting code
conda create -n tensorflow python=2.7
6. if you completely followed me, you can see this messages
7. then input two codes
source activate tensorflow
each code means activate virtual anaconda environment and select correct binary
8. and input last code to install tensorflow
pip install --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
9. if you wanna test that you did perfectly , turn on python and input following code
import tensorflow as tf
hello = tf.constant('Hello, TensorFlow!')
sess = tf.Session()
if whole system is well, you get 'Hello, TensorFlow!'
(To be frank , it doesn't test technical component of TensorFlow but just test functional part)
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